
Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Studio Pics

So, here's the current state of my studio. You can see how small the new paintings are with the room for scale. I'm used to painting large, so these are quite tiny for me. Below is an example of a couple of sketches I consider "complete."


mimicvii said...

That snow is crazy. I'd be miserable.

Hey...I got this crazy collaboration idea. You post your in progress paintings and I'll post comments on where you need more burnt umber! ;)

Begnaud said...

I so rarely use burnt umber...

mimicvii said...

If Bob Ross were alive, he'd be very sad to hear that. Much like those trees you sketched. There is no happiness in those trees.


Begnaud said...

Just because they are cold and dead doesn't mean they aren't happy, or at least lovely.